Thursday, September 12, 2013


Psalm 19:14 
"Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord my Strength and my Redeemer."

    Recently I have been thinking about glorifying God.  Not just in what I do, but in what I say and think. Talking and thinking may seem like a really small way to glorify God, but it does.  I have been thinking about thinking the way I think.  I have been trying to focus on the good in my life and not the bad things that are happen to me or the bad things that are happening in the world.  So today to help me with that I thought I would say 10 things I was thankful for. :) 

1. The faithful love of my Lord and Savior. 
2. That Jesus Christ is my Heavenly Father.
3. The Bible, what a helper in our lives!
4. My wonderful parents that are so patient and help me out so much.
5. My awesome siblings that make me laugh and are such a joy to be around.
6. My awesome friends who will cry with me, crack me up and are there for me.
7. All the kids that I work with. They are such a joy.
8. My sweet cats! :D
9. Good, clean, enjoyable books.
10. Chocolate. (where would we be without it. :D)

    So what are you thankful for today? You certainly do not have to comment and say what you are thankful for (I would love it if you did though :) ) but i would encourage you to say something your thankful for to the Lord. Because without His grace and mercy we wouldn't have anything. :)


Unknown said...

humm...So thankful for good friends and family, Doctors, the bible, a house to live in, transportation, pictures & so much more!!!
Thanks for posting! Good thoughts! Keep it up! =D

Lipstick Junkie said...

Hey Maria! Thanks for commenting! All of those are great stuff! Pictures to hold memories, dr's to help us w/ medical problems...So true! :D

Lipstick Junkie said...
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