Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Ability To Glorify

So, the other day I was having a really rotten day. Not a normal rotten day, but a really rotten day. I was struggling, I was fed up, I was angry, I was not someone who you wanted to be around that particular day. So, I went outside to clear my head. To think. To try and reason things out.
There's a place in our yard to the side, behind a island of tree's near our woods, where I used to go when I was a little girl. I smiled despite feeling rotten as I walked down the trail towards my little "corner", I remember walking this trail many times before, with a stick in my hand, pretending it was a golden scepter and that I was a princess in my own imaginary world. Life somehow is so much simpler when we're younger...
Anyways as I reached my corner I sat down on one of the fallen logs and started to think and to pray. I sat there for about half an hour. I cried out to God asking, why again, did we have to go through this? How many times, God?
I have a habit of leaning my chin into my hands when I think, so I stared at the ground while I was thinking and praying. When I was done I looked up, and somewhere in the near far distance, I heard a bird singing. I looked around and noticed that the tree's were starting to loose some of their leaves. Some of the leaves on the ground had already turned yellow and red, and then some were still on the tree's shinning a magnificent green color. It had been raining that day and the sun was just coming out from behind a cloud. I started to think about the bird I was hearing. It was so cute and so happy to hear him (or her) just singing out, like no one was listening. I thought about what it takes to hear a little bird singing. It takes ears and ear drums of course, but it also is the ability to hear. I looked around at the all the different colors of the leaves and the sun shinning and it takes to see. It takes, eyes and all the muscles in your eye's, but it also takes the ability to see. Sherlock Holmes once said, "There are millions of people who see things every day, but do not observe." It takes ability to see and hear. It takes thinking about things to notice them because we take all of this for granted. What about if there was a different way of communicating with each other besides hearing each other? What if God just made the world black and white? What if God didn't give us the ability to hear things and see things?
So why did God give us the gift of seeing colors and hearing beautiful things? To give glory to His name.
Psalm 19:1
"The heavens declare the glory of God and firmament shows His handiwork."
He gave us the gift of our senses to glorify Him.
James 1:17 

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning."

So every gift that God gives us is from Him and Him alone and He gives it to us for His glory. Pretty cool huh? :)
It's so easy to get caught up in our daily lives and become so absorbed in what we are doing and just take for granted everything around us. I do it every single day. So today, remember to stop and maybe listen to the birds, look around at all the colors of the outdoors around you, look at the baby you hold in your arms, and marvel at the work that God has done. Praise Him from whom all blessings flow. Give Him the honor due to his name. Thank Him for His good and perfect gifts. Above all remember to give God the glory.
"May the Lord bless you and keep you and the Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you, may the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace."
Numbers 6:24-26
~Emma :) 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good reminders! Thanks for posting!!