Monday, June 10, 2013

God Is Our Refuge

This is such a rich blessing to read! :)
Psalm 62:5-8
"My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation; *He* is my defense; I shall not be moved. In God is my salvation and my glory; the rock of my strength, and my refuge is in God. Trust in Him at all times, you people pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.  

Recently the Lord has been teaching me to trust in Him. This year has been full of things that have shaken me. There were times and there will be more, when I wondered what it was all for. We all struggle with doubt. When the storm hits it either makes you grow closer to God, or to stray away. Storms, if we choose so, can grow bitterness inside of us, which can lead to rebellion. Trusting God is not always easy. The other day I was struggling with all that has hit me recently, I flipped open my Bible to read my daily reading, which is in Daniel at the moment, and my Bible opened up to Psalm 62, I read it and the verses above were the ones that stood out to me. 
When I read verse 8 where it says, "God is our refuge," it was as if the Lord was saying, "Emma, everything that happens to you, happens, because I let it be so. Don't you trust the One who loved you so much that He died so you wouldn't spend eternity in Hell? Don't you trust me?" 
After that, all of my fear was not gone, But I had a peace. A peace I didn't really understand. This doesn't mean that all in one moment I felt better, but I think through this storm, the Lord is teaching me He is my strong tower, shelter over me, He is my refuge, and He's yours too. No matter what your dealing with, maybe an illness maybe a death in the family, maybe your having trouble with your boss or co-worker, maybe your afraid you aren't going to finish your school studies in time for your deadline, no matter what, God is your Refuge. Rest in Him tonight, because no matter what, He's is your Rock, your Salvation, your Defense, your Glory, your Strength. "Trust in Him at all times you people and pour out your hearts before Him; (because why?) God is a refuge for us." 
May God bless you with His peace. Trust in Him and the peace of God which surpasses all understand will guard your hearts. (Phil. 4:7)


Allison said...

Hello Emma!

I am looking forward to reading more posts! :)
Our Jesus is amazing. He is truly with us.

Romans 8:28

Unknown said...

That's a wonderful article Emma! Keep up the god work! :)

Lipstick Junkie said...
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Lipstick Junkie said...

Yes Allison! So true! What a sweet Savior we have!!! :) Btw, love the vs. Romans 8:28!! :D
Thank you Noah! That's so encouraging! With the Lord's help I will strive to! :)

Whiddon Family said...

Emma! So good to see you have started this blog! What an incredible passage-I needed that especially today.

Thank you for always being such a joy to know.


Jacob said...

Coolness! Blog looks nice too! ;) Good article.

Abby said...

What a wonderful post, Emma! I am so looking forward to more blog posts, we all could use more blogs like this! Our God is the greatest! Joel 2:11 -Abby Stanley:)