Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Intro to the author. :)

So, this is my first post, so I thought I would start by introducing you to myself and my blog. HI! Or as we say it in the sunny South, Hey Ya'll! :) My name is Emma. I am a 16-year-old home-schooled high school senior. I am the 3rd child out of four. :) I live in the sunny South and love it. You will probably see lots of smiley faces in my post, that's because I love smileys! :) I also love cats, good books, coffee, writing (lots of writing! :D) ummm, I love flowers, music, good movies... and life in general! :)
My greatest desire is to serve my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That's why I have started this blog. This blogs name is a little different then usual, the name, "Don't Waste Your Impact" was suggested by my amazing mother after I talked to her in depth what I wanted to do with this blog.
I believe we are all put here for a purpose. I believe everyone of us is put here with a gift to praise ad glorify God, although, some don't use their gift for what it was intended for. Some people use their gifts for their own personal gain. This blog, is created because I want to reach out and encourage others. (I Thes. 5:11) With this blog I don't want to talk about trivial things, I want to talk about Spiritual matters. I want to discuss things that really matter. The only thing we can take to Heaven is each other. Although our movies, our phones, our cars, our comforts are fun, we can only take people with us. That's why I want to reach out and encourage others. I don't pretend to think that I am full of wisdom... I am not!!! It's only by the grace of God that I am starting this blog! My desire is to encourage any one that comes onto this blog and reads it. I hope and pray the Lord will use this blog for His glory and honor. I pray that He reaches out and touches your heart through my writing. I pray that if you do not know the Lord and just stumbled onto my blog that you will meet Him very soon! Even though the Christian life is not always easy, there is true life in Jesus Christ!!!