Sunday, March 30, 2014

Graduation Trip! :)

    Oh my goodness, where to start! Let me first say that my graduation trip was a great one! There was so many things that we did that I will probably never get to do again! There were so many blessings and adventures! I am so thankful God let us do everything that we got to do and kept us safe through it all! :) 
                              Early Saturday morning we packed up the car and headed out!! :)

          First stop was NC to spend the rest of the day and night with our dear friends the Bruce's! We were so blessed by their generous hospitality! We had such fun taking walks, eating the yummy food that Mrs. and Ms. B prepared for us (thank you ladies!!) and great fellowship!

                      And of course, no trip would be complete without a little silliness right? ;)

Sunday morning we got up and headed to DC! Our first stop was Georgetown Cupcakes (as seen on the TV show "DC Cupcakes" that comes on TLC ;)
                    It was crazy how many people were in line to get cupcakes! We waited in line for... about a hour. :) It was tons of fun though. :)

                                                Can you see us in the line? :D :D :D

                                                               Our yummies! :)

                               Sarah insisted she get a picture of me eating my cupcake.... hehe.... :D

                    Monday we got up and headed out to the International Spy Museum and that was totally fun! :) I really enjoyed getting to learn the history of spy's and learning about the network and weapons, gadgets and so forth. :D

                                                 Well, look who showed up! :D haha!

                                                        Do ya see the camera? :p

This car would come "alive" and show the different weapons you could hide in a vehicle! It was super neat! :D

                                          It was really neat learning the history of the Ninja's and how they had a part in the spy network. I learned that they weren't so much as fighters (as portrayed in the movies. :D) but were used for undercover work.

                                          Next it was off to The Library Of Congress, but we stopped at the reflecting pool to take pictures. :D

                                     The architecture of the library was amazing! It was such a beautiful building! I was so thankful that we got to go in and look around!! :)

                                                                 The Gutenberg Bible

                                 That night we ended up eating at a Irish Pub! A first for me! :) It was quite the adventurous experience and lots of fun! :D       
                                  And of course I got one of my very favorite dishes... fish and chips!!! :D The food was AMAZING! :D

                   Monday night we headed out to PA. Tuesday morning we went to the Amish village where we went out on a tour of a Amish home built in the late 1800's!  

                       It was so interesting to learn more about the Amish and the way that they live!
                      (Fun fact-- our tour guide said that big pot on the far right weighed 60 ibs. without anything in it! Can you imagine how much it would weigh when it was full? :0)

                           Then we went on a bus tour and got to learn more about the Amish and see some beautiful countryside!! :) 

                                    Tuesday night it was off to the Hershey Theater to see "The Piano Guys!!!!" :) (Personally it was my favorite thing we did on the trip!!!! :D )

                          Cool story: Sarah asked me if I could hear the Piano Guys play one song which one would I choose? I answered "What Makes you Beautiful" (note: I have never heard the original) I said that one because 1. It is so beautiful when they play it and 2. it is so awesome to watch them make so many instruments out of a piano!!!
     Well, they didn't end up playing it. And while I had a great time I was slightly disappointed they didn't play that song. Then there was a encore... and they came out and played the song. I was thrilled. I left the theater praying, "Thanks God, I know that was You." :D     

                     Wednesday me, Mom and Poppa went shopping at a Amish store that morning and then that afternoon we all went to see the play "Moses" at "Sights and Sounds theater"It was tons of fun and very well done.  :)

                                              Me and my lovely Momma at the theater. :) 
               And then Thursday we got up early, packed up the car and came home. I am so thankful to God that we had such a amazing things!!! It was a wonderful trip, and one that I will never forget! :)

Hope ya'll enjoyed the pics!! :D


Unknown said...

Nice pictures! Glad you took my advice and took lots of them =D (though you probably would have even if i didn't tell you to) lol
(btw: I like the hats you and your dad wore in the 5th pic! and your Captain America shirt!) =D

Maddie Grace said...

What a fun post!
The cupcake shop was in D.C.? I could be going again this coming September. I need directions! They look delicious! Great Pics... CONGRATS ON GRADUATING!

Kristen B. said...

Great pictures, Emma! I'm so glad ya'll got to visit, and had a wonderful time in D.C. and PA!! :) Sending love and hugs!

Whiddon Family said...

Yay! So glad to see pictures from your trip. I'm so glad that you had such a wonderful time and lots of good memories. Blessings on your week! Love, Mallory

The Bruce Family said...

Looks like a wonderful time! What precious memories! glad to have been a part of it all! We love you guys! ~ 'Miss Karen'