Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Song

    Wow! Its been a while since I have posted! :D I guess the holidays have been keeping me pretty busy! :) First Thanksgiving, and then Christmas, and now we are coming up in just a couple of days on our New Years holiday. 

    Its funny the mixed emotions that come with the new year, some people just are so excited and throw a HUGE party and can't wait for the new number of the year.  And others are well, not so excited, maybe because they have something really BIG coming up in the new year that they aren't looking forward to.  And then there are people who are like me and are sorta kinda in between the two. 

    A popular question that's asked around this holiday is, "What is your new year resolution?"
Lets think about exactly what that word means for a moment...RESOLUTION... I Googled it and this is what I found;

Resolution: a firm decision to do or not to do something. Or the action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter.

So lets re-ask that question again, this time using a different wording;

"What's your firm decision to do or not to do something in the New Year?" 

    This is a question that always stumped me, and it always takes me a while to think about it and decide. In thinking what my new years resolution would be, this verse has been on my heart lately and I thought I would share it with you;

    Psalm 149:1 
"Sing to the Lord a new song, and His praise in the assembly of saints." 

    In thinking about this verse I asked myself, whats that mean? "Sing to the Lord a new song?" Should we take that literally and sing a new song to the Lord everyday? 

 I came to the conclusion soon after that this is not what the verse meant particularly. Sure its great to sing songs to praise God, and if you want to sing a new one everyday, have at it.  But thinking further on this verse, I thought this is what it means;
    Colossians 3:17
    "And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."

    Now, you may have gone through the same thing I have gone through, and thought to yourself, "I am not really doing anything to glorify God.  I am just a normal average person.  I am not risking my life in China to be a missionary, or working in Orphanage in Africa... etc. etc." The main point being, you don't feel like your doing anything to glorify God. 

    This is a lie that the enemy LOVES to tell us. Just because we are not risking our lives to share the gospel, does not mean we are not glorifying God. There are MANY ways to glorify God, (or to sing a new song to the Lord.) 

    Sometimes, its washing dishes, (even if it isn't your turn ;) ) helping out a neighbor, babysitting some kiddos for a couple while they do their shopping, it can even be such a small thing like smiling when you walk into the grocery store, or saying thank you to the waiter who brought you, your drink in the restaurant you went to with your family. 

    Now, understandably you may be thinking, how does simple little things like that glorify God? Let me tell you a cheerful spirit, ALWAYS blesses other people.  Cheerful spirits (especially while your working) shows people that you have a joy.  "Where does your joy come from?" Someone may ask. "Why, my joy comes from the Lord!" You could answer. 

    Isn't it rather popular for children (especially teenagers) when they are asked to do something roll their eyes and say whateverWhat a testimony is it then, for a young person to have a cheerful spirit  while they do the job they are given? 

    Now, this is hard, but with the Lords help, we can do it. Its not going to happen EVERY time we are asked to do something obviously, because we all fall short of the glory of God, but that's what we should be striving for.  That's what I think singing a new song means, glorifying God in EVERYTHING we do. 

    And in answer to anyone who wants to know, this is my new years resolution, to glorify God in everything I do. :D 

    May God give you the joy and strength to Shine for His glory!

    Psalm 149:1
    "Sing to the Lord a new song,
    And His praise in the assembly of saints."


    Unknown said...

    Great post! Thanks for the encouragement!!

    Lipstick Junkie said...

    Hey Maria! :) Thanks for the comment! Always great to hear from you!!! :) Thank you for your encouragement!!! :)

    Anonymous said...

    Hi Emma! Thank you SOOO much for posting this! I have struggled before in being cheerful in my work, and this is a HUGE blessing and encouragement to me!!! I will definitely have to remember this next time anyone asks me to do something I don't want to. (Which will probably be very soon - you know the Lord always brings along things to see if you remember what you said you were going to remember!! ;) I hope you have a blessed week in the Lord sweet friend!