Monday, October 14, 2013

Beach Pictures. :)

Hi everyone! Man it has been forever since I have written! Sorry its been so long! Life has gotten soooo crazy busy! It is that time of year I sopouse. :)

     I thought I would do something a little different this time and post some pictures of our vacation.
So without further a do' I present the pictures of our vacation to Laguna Beach FL! The Lord blessed us with such amazing weather! We had such a marvelous and relaxing time! :)

                                                                    Ah, lovely!

                                         Psalm 103:1 "Bless the Lord oh my soul,
                                        and all that is within me bless His Holy name!"

This little guy posed for me! :D

Its a SAILBOAT! ISN'T That cool?!?! :)

Glad to finally be there! :D 

Oh yeah! :)

Lets go swimming! :)

Believe or not, this isn't photoshopped! :D

Cutest couple on the beach! :D

My lovely sister. :) I love this pic! Look at the lighting from the sunset on her hair! So pretty! 

Psalm 19:1 "The Heavens declare the glory of God, 
and the firmament shows His handiwork."

On our 3rd day there, we went to St. Andrews and the water was so beautiful! We saw so much sea life, it was beautiful! :D 

We have the towels, so we wouldn't get anymore sunburnt. :) When we got home we all had evidence on our red faces! :D lol! :)

Isn't this beautiful?! :D 

A flower by the pool. :)

 Supergirl! Haha! :D

Well, thats all for now! Thanks for checkin in! :D May the Lord bless you and keep you! :D 


Unknown said...

Lovely!!! Love the pictures of the sunset! And the one of your Dad and Elijah jumping in the pool is AWESOME!!! lol!
Actually I like all the pictures! =D Looks like ya'll had fun!

Lipstick Junkie said...

Thanks girl! Yes! :) We had a awesome time! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Emma! Those are beautiful pics! Thanks for sharing!! The beach is one of my favorite places to go!! Hope ya have a great week!
In Him,

Lipstick Junkie said...

Hey Olivia!
Good to hear from you! :) Yes! I LOVE going to the beach! God's creation is sooo beautiful! :D Praise Him! :D
I miss you girl and hope you are well! :) Lord bless ya'll~

Clara said...

Wow Emma!! It looks like ya'll had a ton of fun!! :) The pics are beautiful.

Whiddon Family said...

Ahh. I love the beach. ;) This reminds me of our trip last Fall. It was glorious. Oh, and some random man offered us sailboat rides. It was so much fun!

Glad y'all had a good time. It's nice to see pictures! :)