Monday, September 16, 2013

Shine and Make Them Wonder Whatcha Got!

    When people suffer they are expected to fall.  Its what our world says happens. Or is supposed to happen.  It is what is expected of us.  Whatever happens whether its, loosing a loved one, a car wreck, a friend betrays you, maybe your house was for-closed on, maybe you lost your job, maybe you are screaming internally wondering why God would let this happen to you.  You feel like your world is falling apart.  You feel like you just can't make it.

    This is normal.  Everyone feels this at some point in their life.  The truth of the matter is you can't make it.  At least not on our own strength.   I read this, this morning in my devotions:

2 Corinthians 4:8-9 (emphasis added)
"We are hard pressed on EVERY side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed--" 

     We are hard pressed from every side, but we are not destroyed.  Why are we not destroyed?  I found that answer in Isaiah. :)

Isaiah 41:13
"For I, the Lord your God will hold your right hand, saying to you, "Fear not I am with you, I will help you." 

    The Lord promises that He is going to help us through this.  He says we shouldn't be afraid.  So, the reason we, as Followers of Christ are not destroyed when we are hard pressed is because we have Christ on our side, and if our God is for us, whom could ever stop us?

    So, why talk about falling in struggle?  Remember what I said above, it's expected of the world.  Stop and think about that for a minute.  So, we are expected to fall, but God promises that He "will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear." (1 Corinthians 10:13).  He promises He is going to help us and will be right there with us.  So what does all that mean?

    I met a family once who had just been through a terrible tornado.  Their father, jumped on top of some of his children to save their lives as their house came crashing down on top of them.  All 13 children and mother survived, but to save his children, the father of the family gave his life.  This family had lost their father and their husband.  I could not imagine the grief it must have caused them.  When I met them a year after the tornado I was so deeply impacted.   Never before had I seen such joy written on the faces of this family.  The kind way in which they spoke to others was so kind!  They were such a joy and blessing to get to talk to.  I was told later that what the children and mother had agreed on after the  tornado was to pray that they would not become bitter towards God.  I will never forget this story.  After this family had been through such a terrible thing, loosing their father and their home in the  tornado and many of the children being injured, their one wish and hope was to pray that their hearts would not be bitter towards God.

    That's what that means.  When we are expected to fall by the world, that is when we must shine. That is a opportunity to be a strong testimony for the Gospel.  People are always amazed to see someone else shining when they know that, that someone is either struggling or just went through some terrible things.  That is when we stand out.  That is when people are going to notice us as Christians most.  Maybe that's a time when we can make an impact on this world for Jesus Christ.

    That is not to say that everything is going to be easy. Quiet the opposite, its going to be hard. That's why, when we have most of the darkness around us, is when our light is going to be noticed.

    Maybe your struggling with something as your read this.  Maybe you really can't feel like you can make an impact, that you can't shine. Well, on your strength you can't. That's why you have God on your side. He will hold your right hand and help you shine through the darkness. Maybe now is the moment that God's calling you to make your impact, through this struggle.  Don't waste it!

    "Shine, Make 'em wonder what you've got, Make 'em wish that they were not, On the outside looking bored, Shine, Let it shine before all men, Let 'em see good works, and then, Let 'em glorify the Lord! ~Newsboys Chorus to "Shine" 


Unknown said...

Good thoughts! Thanks for posting!
BTW: Shine is one of my favorite Newsboys songs!!

Lipstick Junkie said...

Hey Maria! Thanks for commenting and the encouraging words! :) yes, "Shine" is a awesome song. When it came out some 15 odd years ago, I heard it a lot in our house. :D Happy memories. :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Emma,

Thanks for telling me about your blog- so edifying! I loved how you pointed out that everyone goes through rough times; we are not alone! It can be easy for us to look at other girls and think, "Wow, she's a super Christian, I bet she never does anything bad!" But it's silly. We all have bad days, and we struggle with sin, but hey, God can still use us to shine for Him!!

Love ya,
Abby H.

Lipstick Junkie said...

Hi Abby!
Thanks for your comment! It's always such a encouragement to hear from you!
Yes, I totally agree. It's a struggle, but the Lord can turn our struggles into something beautiful. We may not see it now, we may know in the future we may not, but one day, we'll see how everything God placed in our lives made sense. :) The Lord has a plan through it all. :)