Monday, July 1, 2013

Thankful for family

So today I am doing a thankful post. What's a thankful post? It's a post where I say 5 things that I am thankful for, and this time I am posting pictures. :)
Today I am thankful for the 5 most awesome family!

Poppa and Momma. They are constantly encouraging me and teaching me in my walk with the Lord. I am so blessed to have parents who care about their children's hearts and want to be invested in their lives.

 Jacob. His diligence and hard working attitude is such a great example to all of us younger kids! His constant joyful attitude and joking personality always keeps us laughing. :)
 Sarah. Her joyful attitude even in times of trouble is such a great encouragement to me. God has given her a heart of grace that shines through her, she is my not only my sister but my closest friend who knows me inside and out and still loves me. :)
Elijah. Constant energy and and smiles. :) He is always making me laugh, he's loads of fun, and is always there to help ya when you need a extra pair of hands. His, always looking on the bright side attitude is a example to all of us. 

Family is a treasure. We can't take them for granted. I know that some people have more difficulty with their family than I do, I have difficulty with some of my extended family, but the Bible says to give thanks in all things. So, let's be thankful for the awesome family that we do have in our lives. I know God blessed me richly. I am so thankful He did. :-D 

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