Saturday, June 22, 2013

Modesty Of The Heart

As I write this I realize that this is a very sensitive subject. When people see the word modesty, most people shrink back because they are afraid that the article written will be legalistic, or judgemental. This article is meant as neither. My main focus for this blog is to encourage others, not to drag down.
We as different people and different families have many different convictions, and that's ok. As individuals, we will not agree on everything, and that's ok too. Modesty is a subject that many people differ on, some people don't see a need for it, while others are strongly sure that it is important.

Modesty is important. Now, don''t get upset and click off here, let me explain.

Modesty of my dress was something I was taught ever since I can remember. My parents were very careful about the way I dressed, even if I didn't always understand. I am very thankful for this. As humans, we wish to be accepted. We wish to not be the odd one out. Understandable. But as Christians we are called to be set apart: Romans 12:1-2 
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will.

What are we to be set apart from?? The world: 1 John 2:15 
Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
Does this mean if we enjoy things in the world that we are not Christians? No. As Christians, we are still sinful human beings. We are prone to temptation. We can enjoy things (books, movies, possessions, music, etc.) but ask your self this question? Are they honoring to God? Are you being sinful while reading this book, watching this movie, buying this possession, listening to this music? Ask your self what is your motivation. 
So if we are to not love the world, then we should not be like the world correct? What does this world promote? Im-modesty and immorality. Now, if your familiar with the term im-modesty the first thing that comes to your mind is probably the way someone dresses. At least, that's the first thing that comes to my mind. You can walk into any store or mall and you will see flashy (that doesn't mean colorful or sparkly) im-modest clothing. They have people on billboards who are dressed im-modestly. It's promoted. It's even put into our children's minds very early on that it's ok. Because who cares about modesty right? 
Dressing modestly is a big issue and has a lot to do with the temptation people struggle with. A lot of people have told me that it really just doesn't matter. But it does. Why would we encourage our brother or sister in Christ to fall into sin? Think about it this way, whomever you are causing to sin, can be someone else's spouse. 
Let me point out that modesty seems to be a topic only for women. It's not. notice I am addressing everyone as "people" not just women. I am including men too, because men can be im-modest just as much as a woman can. 
But most of all modesty is a heart issue.
Like I said, dress is a big part of it, but the heart of someone is where the roots grow. Someone can be totally covered and be acting/talking/moving im-modestly. This is usually put in the term that seems to people such a innocent offense as "flirting". But it's so much more. You sin, and you enjoy it and keep doing it, it'll grow and become worse and worse. It'll grow into something that you never expected it would and it could take you over. 
Wanting a wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend is a natural desire. God gave Eve to Adam to remember? God created man and women for each other (Genesis 2:18, 2:21-24) but when we are taking it to the extent where we are so impatient when we are waiting for the Lord's timing, that we fall into sin whether it's mental or physical, this is where we are loving the world. This is sinful, but extremely common. This all goes back to the heart. What is your heart wanting? What is your heart and mind so focused on? If you are sinning in this way, it obviously isn't your relationship with the Lord. Why do you think in 1 John 2:15 that God said through John that if anyone loved the world, the love of the father is not in him? Sounds pretty harsh doesn't it? Yes it does, but it's very true. It says that because, as Christians, Jesus is to be our first love. That sounds a little weird doesn't it? Because you can't marry Jesus. No, this is what I mean. Our relationship with the Lord is the to be our first and primary thought. Jesus is to come first in everything. That doesn't change when you get married either because marriage is symbol a relationship between Christ and the Church. (but that might be another post, for right now read Ephesians 5:22-33 to see what I am talking about :D)
Being single is a struggle. But if we wait on the Lord, who knows all, sees all, hears all, will bring the right person in the right time. We do not need to show ourselves off in our dress or our actions to try to find a spouse. We must wait patiently on the Lord, and while we are single focus on our relationship with Him, so when God does bring the right person, that will be the center of the marriage. That will be the basis of your life and your spouses life, and your lives together. With that you can glorify God, in singleness and waiting, or in marriage. Because that is our responsibility as children of God, to glorify Him. 

Monday, June 10, 2013

God Is Our Refuge

This is such a rich blessing to read! :)
Psalm 62:5-8
"My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation; *He* is my defense; I shall not be moved. In God is my salvation and my glory; the rock of my strength, and my refuge is in God. Trust in Him at all times, you people pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.  

Recently the Lord has been teaching me to trust in Him. This year has been full of things that have shaken me. There were times and there will be more, when I wondered what it was all for. We all struggle with doubt. When the storm hits it either makes you grow closer to God, or to stray away. Storms, if we choose so, can grow bitterness inside of us, which can lead to rebellion. Trusting God is not always easy. The other day I was struggling with all that has hit me recently, I flipped open my Bible to read my daily reading, which is in Daniel at the moment, and my Bible opened up to Psalm 62, I read it and the verses above were the ones that stood out to me. 
When I read verse 8 where it says, "God is our refuge," it was as if the Lord was saying, "Emma, everything that happens to you, happens, because I let it be so. Don't you trust the One who loved you so much that He died so you wouldn't spend eternity in Hell? Don't you trust me?" 
After that, all of my fear was not gone, But I had a peace. A peace I didn't really understand. This doesn't mean that all in one moment I felt better, but I think through this storm, the Lord is teaching me He is my strong tower, shelter over me, He is my refuge, and He's yours too. No matter what your dealing with, maybe an illness maybe a death in the family, maybe your having trouble with your boss or co-worker, maybe your afraid you aren't going to finish your school studies in time for your deadline, no matter what, God is your Refuge. Rest in Him tonight, because no matter what, He's is your Rock, your Salvation, your Defense, your Glory, your Strength. "Trust in Him at all times you people and pour out your hearts before Him; (because why?) God is a refuge for us." 
May God bless you with His peace. Trust in Him and the peace of God which surpasses all understand will guard your hearts. (Phil. 4:7)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Intro to the author. :)

So, this is my first post, so I thought I would start by introducing you to myself and my blog. HI! Or as we say it in the sunny South, Hey Ya'll! :) My name is Emma. I am a 16-year-old home-schooled high school senior. I am the 3rd child out of four. :) I live in the sunny South and love it. You will probably see lots of smiley faces in my post, that's because I love smileys! :) I also love cats, good books, coffee, writing (lots of writing! :D) ummm, I love flowers, music, good movies... and life in general! :)
My greatest desire is to serve my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That's why I have started this blog. This blogs name is a little different then usual, the name, "Don't Waste Your Impact" was suggested by my amazing mother after I talked to her in depth what I wanted to do with this blog.
I believe we are all put here for a purpose. I believe everyone of us is put here with a gift to praise ad glorify God, although, some don't use their gift for what it was intended for. Some people use their gifts for their own personal gain. This blog, is created because I want to reach out and encourage others. (I Thes. 5:11) With this blog I don't want to talk about trivial things, I want to talk about Spiritual matters. I want to discuss things that really matter. The only thing we can take to Heaven is each other. Although our movies, our phones, our cars, our comforts are fun, we can only take people with us. That's why I want to reach out and encourage others. I don't pretend to think that I am full of wisdom... I am not!!! It's only by the grace of God that I am starting this blog! My desire is to encourage any one that comes onto this blog and reads it. I hope and pray the Lord will use this blog for His glory and honor. I pray that He reaches out and touches your heart through my writing. I pray that if you do not know the Lord and just stumbled onto my blog that you will meet Him very soon! Even though the Christian life is not always easy, there is true life in Jesus Christ!!!