Sunday, October 12, 2014

New Blog!! :)

    Hi everyone!! I am very excited to announce that I am starting a new blog!! This blog will be dedicated to writing book reviews from a Christian perspective and helping YOU find good books!! :) The link to the blog is below-go there to find out more about the blog. :) I hope you are greatly encouraged and may God be glorified!! :)

P.s Don't worry-I will still be posting on this blog. :p :)

To Sea or Not to Sea? :D

    It was a hot day. The sun shown brightly upon the blue sea, making the gentle waves glimmer like diamonds. This was the perfect day to be out swimming.

    It was the first day of our much-looked forwarded to FL vacation. And I was intent on finding a sea creature. Preferably something like a shark or dolphin... or a turtle. :)

    I had swam out farther then the rest of my family, my eye's searching for my sea creature. I was under water when I heard the shouts. I quickly pushed my way to the surface, to see my parents excitedly shouting and pointing, and my siblings chasing after some mysterious object.

    "What is it?" I asked.

     My brothers and sister came up, "It was a sea turtle!" My sister said happily.

     I LOVE turtles, I was so bumbed I didn't get to see one. I made it my mission for the rest of the week to search for a turtle. I PRAYED (begged might be a more appropriate word. :D) that God would send a sea turtle my way. Well, for the next 3 days, I LOOKED and LOOKED, but alas, no sea turtle.

     On the last day, on our way out, we went to St. Andrew's Park, which just so happens to be my all time favorite place we go to in while in FL. St. Andrew's has such clear and beautiful water, and its right by the jetties, so its always so fun to see what creatures and shells you can find in and near the rocks!! :) It was a BLAST!! I was "underwater rock climbing" looking at all sorts of color-full fish when, I heard the not-so-out-of-the-ordinary-excited-yells. I surfaced and saw Elijah looking at something.

     "What is it?" I cried.

      "A turtle!" He yelled, before he dove in to chase the creature.

    I don't think I had ever swam that fast before in my life. I quickly pushed my way over to the boys, and could see the outline of the sea turtle. After about 3 mins. of chasing this thing through deep waters, the magnificent turtle stopped to let us take a look at his handsome self. I pushed my way down to the sandy floor and was able to get a good look at this masterpiece of God's creation. It was small one, red coloring on the shell, with the cutest face that you have ever seen. I got to look at for at least 15 to 20 seconds, before he decided he had somewhere he needed to be.

     God answered my prayer.

    God reminded me a valuable lesson through seeing that beautiful creature. We may pray for something, that we REALLY want, or we really think that we need, but God, sometimes, will ask us to wait. Sometimes, He asks us to wait on years, months, in this case, it was just a few days. But how special was it, that he brought that turtle for me to see on the last day we we're at the beach. And why did He allow me to see that turtle? To glorify Him. For me to marvel at His creation. So here I am, marveling. :)

    Here I am, sharing this story with you, to encourage you, if God has asked you to wait, be of good courage. Its hard. It might be a bumpy road that you drive on till you see why He asked you to wait, but it is ALL  for your greater good, but most of all, He is using YOU in this situation, while you wait, to glorify and honor Him.

     Until you see it, He will hold your hand over this bumpy road, and one day you look back and be so thankful that He let you wait, because the joy that comes in the morning seems all the more precious. :)

Isaiah 40:31
"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up on wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not grow faint."

Romans 8:28-29
"And we know that all thingswork together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. 
For whom he foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren."