Sunday, October 12, 2014

New Blog!! :)

    Hi everyone!! I am very excited to announce that I am starting a new blog!! This blog will be dedicated to writing book reviews from a Christian perspective and helping YOU find good books!! :) The link to the blog is below-go there to find out more about the blog. :) I hope you are greatly encouraged and may God be glorified!! :)

P.s Don't worry-I will still be posting on this blog. :p :)

To Sea or Not to Sea? :D

    It was a hot day. The sun shown brightly upon the blue sea, making the gentle waves glimmer like diamonds. This was the perfect day to be out swimming.

    It was the first day of our much-looked forwarded to FL vacation. And I was intent on finding a sea creature. Preferably something like a shark or dolphin... or a turtle. :)

    I had swam out farther then the rest of my family, my eye's searching for my sea creature. I was under water when I heard the shouts. I quickly pushed my way to the surface, to see my parents excitedly shouting and pointing, and my siblings chasing after some mysterious object.

    "What is it?" I asked.

     My brothers and sister came up, "It was a sea turtle!" My sister said happily.

     I LOVE turtles, I was so bumbed I didn't get to see one. I made it my mission for the rest of the week to search for a turtle. I PRAYED (begged might be a more appropriate word. :D) that God would send a sea turtle my way. Well, for the next 3 days, I LOOKED and LOOKED, but alas, no sea turtle.

     On the last day, on our way out, we went to St. Andrew's Park, which just so happens to be my all time favorite place we go to in while in FL. St. Andrew's has such clear and beautiful water, and its right by the jetties, so its always so fun to see what creatures and shells you can find in and near the rocks!! :) It was a BLAST!! I was "underwater rock climbing" looking at all sorts of color-full fish when, I heard the not-so-out-of-the-ordinary-excited-yells. I surfaced and saw Elijah looking at something.

     "What is it?" I cried.

      "A turtle!" He yelled, before he dove in to chase the creature.

    I don't think I had ever swam that fast before in my life. I quickly pushed my way over to the boys, and could see the outline of the sea turtle. After about 3 mins. of chasing this thing through deep waters, the magnificent turtle stopped to let us take a look at his handsome self. I pushed my way down to the sandy floor and was able to get a good look at this masterpiece of God's creation. It was small one, red coloring on the shell, with the cutest face that you have ever seen. I got to look at for at least 15 to 20 seconds, before he decided he had somewhere he needed to be.

     God answered my prayer.

    God reminded me a valuable lesson through seeing that beautiful creature. We may pray for something, that we REALLY want, or we really think that we need, but God, sometimes, will ask us to wait. Sometimes, He asks us to wait on years, months, in this case, it was just a few days. But how special was it, that he brought that turtle for me to see on the last day we we're at the beach. And why did He allow me to see that turtle? To glorify Him. For me to marvel at His creation. So here I am, marveling. :)

    Here I am, sharing this story with you, to encourage you, if God has asked you to wait, be of good courage. Its hard. It might be a bumpy road that you drive on till you see why He asked you to wait, but it is ALL  for your greater good, but most of all, He is using YOU in this situation, while you wait, to glorify and honor Him.

     Until you see it, He will hold your hand over this bumpy road, and one day you look back and be so thankful that He let you wait, because the joy that comes in the morning seems all the more precious. :)

Isaiah 40:31
"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up on wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not grow faint."

Romans 8:28-29
"And we know that all thingswork together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. 
For whom he foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren."

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Purpose Filled Life

    Wow! It has been a while since I posted. I will put you all at rest and inform you that I have not fallen from the face of the Earth! :) It has been a very full and busy four months, and to say that the Lord has taught me little would be a understatement. :)
    Lately what has been on my heart and mind is having a purpose filled life. It makes me so sad, to see young people and adults throw their hands up in the air, "We only live for a short amount of time, so why not live it up while we can?" This is the thinking process of our world. We think we are here to get all we can, while we can, and that will make us happy. Its very easy for all people whether we are adults, teenagers, children, Christians or unbelievers, to get caught up in worldly possessions and worldly influences. Whether its our money, or what our money can buy, or trying to live up to what the world expects of us, (i.e. being cool, being rich, wearing the right clothes, and talk the talk, etc.) it all boils down to having idols, and having a less then purposeful life. But then again, if there is no God, there is no need for accountability. If there is no God then there is no need for a purpose-filled life. There is no need for anything. This is what our world is screaming at us and trying to instill in us. And what's even more sad, I have seen many of my peers fall into this same mindset.
    Why am I talking about such a depressing subject? Because there's a flip side. What can we do about it? Well to answer that question we need to answer some questions.
    Who made you? If you are a believer you are of course going to answer God. Well, great. Let's ponder that for a moment. God not only created you and gave you this incredible miracle called Life, He also saved you. He loves you through all of your sin. He loves you so much, He created you.  He loves you so much He saved you from the depths of Hell, so you could...
    So you could what? That's the next question, Why were you created? And more importantly, why were you saved? You were created to shine God's glory. When God created Adam he put him over all of the animals of the garden,

Genesis 1:26-27
"Then God said, "Let us make man into Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."
"So God created in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." 

    Humans, were made in the image of God. We are the head of God's creation. (Now don't get a big head about that. ;) ) We are also sinners in need of a Savior. That's why He saved you. You have been saved from eternal damnation in Hell. You were saved for purpose. What is that purpose? 

Matthew 28:19-20
"Go therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
"Teaching them to observe all the things that I have commanded you and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

     Your purpose as a child of God is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ for God's glory. You have a specific gift(s) that God has given you. Use them for His glory. The World will scream in your face and tell you your doing it all wrong. They will tell you are weak. They will tell you that your God does not exist and that you are chasing a fantasy. But you stand strong. The Lord did not climb off the cross when the world was shouting at Him, now don't you back down from the Truth. 

Romans 8:28
"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."  

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Graduation Trip! :)

    Oh my goodness, where to start! Let me first say that my graduation trip was a great one! There was so many things that we did that I will probably never get to do again! There were so many blessings and adventures! I am so thankful God let us do everything that we got to do and kept us safe through it all! :) 
                              Early Saturday morning we packed up the car and headed out!! :)

          First stop was NC to spend the rest of the day and night with our dear friends the Bruce's! We were so blessed by their generous hospitality! We had such fun taking walks, eating the yummy food that Mrs. and Ms. B prepared for us (thank you ladies!!) and great fellowship!

                      And of course, no trip would be complete without a little silliness right? ;)

Sunday morning we got up and headed to DC! Our first stop was Georgetown Cupcakes (as seen on the TV show "DC Cupcakes" that comes on TLC ;)
                    It was crazy how many people were in line to get cupcakes! We waited in line for... about a hour. :) It was tons of fun though. :)

                                                Can you see us in the line? :D :D :D

                                                               Our yummies! :)

                               Sarah insisted she get a picture of me eating my cupcake.... hehe.... :D

                    Monday we got up and headed out to the International Spy Museum and that was totally fun! :) I really enjoyed getting to learn the history of spy's and learning about the network and weapons, gadgets and so forth. :D

                                                 Well, look who showed up! :D haha!

                                                        Do ya see the camera? :p

This car would come "alive" and show the different weapons you could hide in a vehicle! It was super neat! :D

                                          It was really neat learning the history of the Ninja's and how they had a part in the spy network. I learned that they weren't so much as fighters (as portrayed in the movies. :D) but were used for undercover work.

                                          Next it was off to The Library Of Congress, but we stopped at the reflecting pool to take pictures. :D

                                     The architecture of the library was amazing! It was such a beautiful building! I was so thankful that we got to go in and look around!! :)

                                                                 The Gutenberg Bible

                                 That night we ended up eating at a Irish Pub! A first for me! :) It was quite the adventurous experience and lots of fun! :D       
                                  And of course I got one of my very favorite dishes... fish and chips!!! :D The food was AMAZING! :D

                   Monday night we headed out to PA. Tuesday morning we went to the Amish village where we went out on a tour of a Amish home built in the late 1800's!  

                       It was so interesting to learn more about the Amish and the way that they live!
                      (Fun fact-- our tour guide said that big pot on the far right weighed 60 ibs. without anything in it! Can you imagine how much it would weigh when it was full? :0)

                           Then we went on a bus tour and got to learn more about the Amish and see some beautiful countryside!! :) 

                                    Tuesday night it was off to the Hershey Theater to see "The Piano Guys!!!!" :) (Personally it was my favorite thing we did on the trip!!!! :D )

                          Cool story: Sarah asked me if I could hear the Piano Guys play one song which one would I choose? I answered "What Makes you Beautiful" (note: I have never heard the original) I said that one because 1. It is so beautiful when they play it and 2. it is so awesome to watch them make so many instruments out of a piano!!!
     Well, they didn't end up playing it. And while I had a great time I was slightly disappointed they didn't play that song. Then there was a encore... and they came out and played the song. I was thrilled. I left the theater praying, "Thanks God, I know that was You." :D     

                     Wednesday me, Mom and Poppa went shopping at a Amish store that morning and then that afternoon we all went to see the play "Moses" at "Sights and Sounds theater"It was tons of fun and very well done.  :)

                                              Me and my lovely Momma at the theater. :) 
               And then Thursday we got up early, packed up the car and came home. I am so thankful to God that we had such a amazing things!!! It was a wonderful trip, and one that I will never forget! :)

Hope ya'll enjoyed the pics!! :D

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Run From Temptation

      Purity is a subject that's not talked about a lot. Why? Honestly, I don't know. I think some people don't care. Some people don't know anything about it. Some people don't like the idea. And some people are too scared to talk about it.

    Purity is a subject I have been passionate about for a long time. Why? Well, especially in my teen years, I have seen how much making the wrong choices and  impurity can hurt a person. I have seen lots of teens squander their purity and chances for witnessing for the Lord, only to come out hurt and with a broken heart.

    In our teen years, its especially hard to keep pure and live for the Lord. Why? Lots of people say it's the prime of life. The time we will look the best, and our minds will be well developed. Honestly, I think it's because we are changing. Not just physically, but also mentally. Especially in our later teen years, we are making up our minds on what our beliefs are, what we think is right and wrong. Do we believe the same thing our parents believe or do we believe something totally different? It's a very difficult time, it's easy just to throw it all up in the air, fall into sin, and give up.

    So what's all this got to do with purity? Teen years are the time when we will start considering what purity really is, and what we think about it. Its sad, how so many teens throw their purity away, simply because they do what makes them think will give them fulfillment.

    How many times have you heard someone else say, or said yourself, "I want to be pure, but it's so hard!"

    You hit the nail on the head! It's really hard! But often, making the right choice is hard. So, what in the world are we supposed to do to keep pure? So glad you asked. :) This is what God said;

    James 1:12
    "Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him." 

    We're all going to be tempted. Period. What are we to do when we face temptation? Endure. It's hard to endure temptation... we cannot do it without the Lord's help. But what does He say will happen if we do endure temptation? Look at the last half of the verse. "receive the crown of life."

    Joseph is a prime example of this. Joseph, was quite young, and he was tempted continually by his master's wife. What did Joseph do? He fled from temptation. (Gen. 39:7-13)

     While we struggle through these hard years, I think this is when Satan is most focused on driving us away from the Lord, because this is when we are most vulnerable. Temptation is the best way he can do that.

    The Bible says, as followers of Christ, we are examples of Him on this earth.

    1 Timothy 4:12
    "Let no one despise you for your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity."

    If we are not following in the footsteps of the world, (especially as young people) how much of a example do you think we will be?

    I feel as if I am rambling (which wouldn't be anything out of the ordinary. :D) so you might be wondering what my point is to all of this?

    Resist temptation. Run away from it. Look it in the eye and say that, with the Lord, you are stronger than it. Don't let it in-slave you. Let your purity shine before the world, that people may see your good works, that they may glorify your Father in Heaven.

    It's hard. Whenever you feel down cast, pressured by the world because it doesn't consider your purity cool or hip, remember this, that the Lord loves you. Search for a relationship with Him, not acceptance with the world.  His love is what will last.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Song

    Wow! Its been a while since I have posted! :D I guess the holidays have been keeping me pretty busy! :) First Thanksgiving, and then Christmas, and now we are coming up in just a couple of days on our New Years holiday. 

    Its funny the mixed emotions that come with the new year, some people just are so excited and throw a HUGE party and can't wait for the new number of the year.  And others are well, not so excited, maybe because they have something really BIG coming up in the new year that they aren't looking forward to.  And then there are people who are like me and are sorta kinda in between the two. 

    A popular question that's asked around this holiday is, "What is your new year resolution?"
Lets think about exactly what that word means for a moment...RESOLUTION... I Googled it and this is what I found;

Resolution: a firm decision to do or not to do something. Or the action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter.

So lets re-ask that question again, this time using a different wording;

"What's your firm decision to do or not to do something in the New Year?" 

    This is a question that always stumped me, and it always takes me a while to think about it and decide. In thinking what my new years resolution would be, this verse has been on my heart lately and I thought I would share it with you;

    Psalm 149:1 
"Sing to the Lord a new song, and His praise in the assembly of saints." 

    In thinking about this verse I asked myself, whats that mean? "Sing to the Lord a new song?" Should we take that literally and sing a new song to the Lord everyday? 

 I came to the conclusion soon after that this is not what the verse meant particularly. Sure its great to sing songs to praise God, and if you want to sing a new one everyday, have at it.  But thinking further on this verse, I thought this is what it means;
    Colossians 3:17
    "And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."

    Now, you may have gone through the same thing I have gone through, and thought to yourself, "I am not really doing anything to glorify God.  I am just a normal average person.  I am not risking my life in China to be a missionary, or working in Orphanage in Africa... etc. etc." The main point being, you don't feel like your doing anything to glorify God. 

    This is a lie that the enemy LOVES to tell us. Just because we are not risking our lives to share the gospel, does not mean we are not glorifying God. There are MANY ways to glorify God, (or to sing a new song to the Lord.) 

    Sometimes, its washing dishes, (even if it isn't your turn ;) ) helping out a neighbor, babysitting some kiddos for a couple while they do their shopping, it can even be such a small thing like smiling when you walk into the grocery store, or saying thank you to the waiter who brought you, your drink in the restaurant you went to with your family. 

    Now, understandably you may be thinking, how does simple little things like that glorify God? Let me tell you a cheerful spirit, ALWAYS blesses other people.  Cheerful spirits (especially while your working) shows people that you have a joy.  "Where does your joy come from?" Someone may ask. "Why, my joy comes from the Lord!" You could answer. 

    Isn't it rather popular for children (especially teenagers) when they are asked to do something roll their eyes and say whateverWhat a testimony is it then, for a young person to have a cheerful spirit  while they do the job they are given? 

    Now, this is hard, but with the Lords help, we can do it. Its not going to happen EVERY time we are asked to do something obviously, because we all fall short of the glory of God, but that's what we should be striving for.  That's what I think singing a new song means, glorifying God in EVERYTHING we do. 

    And in answer to anyone who wants to know, this is my new years resolution, to glorify God in everything I do. :D 

    May God give you the joy and strength to Shine for His glory!

    Psalm 149:1
    "Sing to the Lord a new song,
    And His praise in the assembly of saints."